Inspiration & Action
This page of resources belongs to the Adventure Living Library.
Nine Principles:
Give yourself space to dream. Evaluate your life. Start exactly where you are. Surround yourself with inspiration.
Question the status quo. Do something difficult. Allow for mess. Living is hard work. Do it together.
Read more about how this has looked in our life in the posts below:
Going to grad school
About 2 years ago, 18 months before the end of our family's homeschool journey, I started to get serious about figuring out what I would do when I retired from homeschooling.
The purpose and ultimate irony of desire (The mountains are calling)
It's not the same, so now what? (an anniversary post, part 2)
It's not the same, so now what? (an anniversary post, part 1)
Our commitment to our children and to each other was the glue that held us together, which is the function of commitments. But it's the shared dreams, hopes, and visions that are the creative life energy of a relationship.
Lighting Design, Homeschooling Freedom, and Project-Based Learning (an interview with the Warfels)
Patreon interview where we explore the potential of homeschooling not just on our kids' education but our own career paths and family culture. And see how it all comes together in one family's experience with project-based learning and living.
Filling the infinite
We don't like the tension, the not-enoughness, the deficiencies, the complexity, the infinite edge of uncertainty, etc. but those are the very catalysts for moving us towards the thing we seek, even if it's never fully realized.
When all the hype feels meaningless (and other New Year's reflections)
We live a paradox because we are wired to strive, to improve, to survive; and yet achieving a state of "all shall well" is not a physical circumstance, but a spiritual reality.
Wholehearted writing (and depression on the Appalachian Trail)
We go through experiences that wear us down to our core, and break our shell, and expose what's operating below the surface of our lives.
Words & Movements
Our stories are both an expression of an experience and the lens through which we view that experience and future experiences. In this way, our stories, our words, have the power to manifest things in our lives.
A good story
Living a good story became another way to phrase the kind of life I wanted, of course I had no idea what I was getting myself into
Spring confessions, a new liturgy, and discipline
If inspiration appears to us like a diamond, discipline is the high temperature and intense pressure that will actually produce that diamond.
Some thoughts on city living and lifestyle choices
Find your best, your beautiful.
The best we can with what we have
It's not about the specifics; it's about doing the best we can with what we have.
More than a fuzzy feeling
Hope is not fuzzy, feel-good emotion, or wishful thinking, but a faith rooted in the soil of adversity and perseverance through trials.
At the edge ~ Do you have what it takes?
Do you have what it takes to lead an interest-led, values based, and mission driven life?
Inspiration and Action ~ The Wrap-Up
A wrap-up and recap of inspiration and action posts.
Evenings are for Inspiring
That phrase helped give structure to an otherwise unplanned, and probably wasted, part of our days.
Getting Out the Door ~ Together
I believe strong, healthy families provides the best structural framework for reaching our potential, for getting out the door, making ideas happen, getting things done, and doing the work.
Winter Evenings ~ The power of words
The process of writing clarifies goals and gives you a fixed point to work towards.
Messy Weekends ~ The freedom of letting go
Sometimes the only way to lose our controlling tendencies is to step outside our comfort zone.
Finding More Time. For Real.
Three life changing ideas that have really helped me find more time in my days..
Celebrating Winter
Before I know it winter will be over, but I'm not wishing it away, there's too much fun to be had in the moment.
We met our Kickstarter goal! Now what?
By supporting our Kickstarter you are essentially "pre-buying" a subscription to the video series.
Women in the Wild ~ Book Reviews
Inspiring adventure stories from wives, mothers, and homemakers.
Drudgery & Discipline
The complete title of this series is Discipline in a Love of Learning, Freedom Based, Interest-led Homeschool.
Change ~ Being Rooted ~ Personal Growth
I fear that my whole perspective and the way I move forward in the world will be be forever changed.
We'll figure it out when we get there
You set a course of action, you make the best decisions you can with the information you have, and the rest you figure out when you get there.
Proof Positive
The proof positive that I can thru-hike the AT, in all the conditions we will face, will come only from doing it.
Skiing on the Schedule ~ When Dreams Come True
We had a dream to ski with our kids but we weren't sure how how our resources of time, money, and location could be stretched and finagled to make this a reality.
The New Normal is Flux
Flux: the action or process of flowing, continuous change.
Did I Mention our Life is Crazy Sometimes?
This flux and change, and creative problem solving, is part of the package of creating the life we want for our family.
The Power of Words and Winter Evenings
Winter is the time of year for ideas.
Our First Week on Skis - A Dream Come True
After years of dreaming, scheming we finally have skis!
Music For Living an Adventure
These two albums have given lyric and melody to some my heart's deepest prayers, beliefs and desires.
Big Sky ~ Big Dreams (I love Montana!)
We are going home in a couple days with hearts full of love and support and our heads full of ideas and action plans.
Inspiration for life on the fringe
Three books I've read lately that belong in the "inspiring, living life on the fringe, go for it with gusto" category.
One Day a Week ~ A Homemaker's Perspective
How I prioritize home and family life to spend one day a week outdoors.