
A video about my book borrowing process and book record keeping

A video about my book borrowing process and book record keeping

My book borrowing process and how I keep track of what I've read and want to read, the South Shore Libraries edition.

Life in lockdown (week five)

Life in lockdown (week five)

I'm not not anxious but I'm starting to feel a growing discomfort and lack of motivation.

Can we trust our desires? (The mountains are calling)

Can we trust our desires? (The mountains are calling)

Acting on desire is how we make decisions in our life. It's how we choose, to the extent we can, the path we want to take. But how do we know we can trust our desires?

A resource list for an evolving faith

A resource list for an evolving faith

A few resources for an evolving faith with a slightly evangelical flavor.

What does it all mean?

What does it all mean?

The joy and the pain of being human are bound together like a knotted cord, and what gives meaning to that twisted reality is that we all share it. This is everyone's truth. This is a shared experience.

Making time to read & Recording what I've read

Making time to read & Recording what I've read

I am not a fast reader. I currently read 3-4 books per month and it's not about speed, or getting through; it's about engaging in story and ideas. I have a reading routine: certain genres at certain times of day. And I record what I read in my bullet journal and at Goodreads.

Using the public library (mostly for digital books) and finding good titles to read

Using the public library (mostly for digital books) and finding good titles to read

Most of the books I read are digital library loans. I also borrow hardcopy books from various libraries of which I'm a member. Occasionally I buy a digital title, less occasionally I buy an actual paper book. I keeping a (long) running list of the books I want to read at Goodreads.