
Thoughts on social capital and location independence in a time of climate change (and other crises), in the context of an intergenerational familial “homestead”

Thoughts on social capital and location independence in a time of climate change (and other crises), in the context of an intergenerational familial “homestead”

Our social networks matter. And passing along social networks to our children is a way that parent’s help their children establish themselves in life.

Is localism the answer?

Is localism the answer?

The answer to the interpersonal and intrapersonal tensions and problems of migrations are more nuanced and bigger than a simple "stay local" edict.

Hello Larix buds

Hello Larix buds

I have this insatiable desire to know the names of the trees, the plants and the birds. What a delight it would be to spend my days identifying, loving, and nurturing living things.

Winter is my country (but then there's March) ~ Part two

Winter is my country (but then there's March) ~ Part two

By the end of February I was feeling a whole lotta cranky. And then it came to me, while I was out in the woods for Laurent's birthday. I needed a solo backcountry ski trip in March.

A refuge in the Laurentians

A refuge in the Laurentians

This sense of possibility, this large swath of low-rise mountains just to our north full of trails that go over over peaks and through valleys, by lakes, rivers and waterfalls, with places to stay along the way (summer camping and winter cabins) has infused me with a sense of hope that I might be able to call southern Quebec home for the next decade of my life, maybe longer.

Under the Arbor

Under the Arbor

A grapevine grows in our neighbor's yard. And it has a story of family and love, and loss and new beginnings.

Speaking at a homeschool conference

Speaking at a homeschool conference

I'm speaking at a local homeschool conference. No one is as surprised about this as I am.