
Thoughts on social capital and location independence in a time of climate change (and other crises), in the context of an intergenerational familial “homestead”

Thoughts on social capital and location independence in a time of climate change (and other crises), in the context of an intergenerational familial “homestead”

Our social networks matter. And passing along social networks to our children is a way that parent’s help their children establish themselves in life.

The beating of my wild heart (aka: my feminism)

The beating of my wild heart (aka: my feminism)

My feminism is a desire to listen and live according to my wild human heart, mind, and body. What this actually looks like is ill-defined; it’s certainly not a program, plan, or anything I would prescribe for someone else. There is no pledge of allegiance in this “ism,” no flag or banner under which I march.

Finding a work “thing” in the cultural, relational, and economic context of my life

Finding a work “thing” in the cultural, relational, and economic context of my life

My marriage, and family life in general, is an economic (as well as political and social) relationship. When Damien and I married we combined our non-material and material assets, resources, talents, and capacities for the flourishing of the whole, which in our case, is the family.

Getting started: Feminism, patriarchy, capitalism, neoliberalism, Marxism and the family in 1,500 words

Getting started: Feminism, patriarchy, capitalism, neoliberalism, Marxism and the family in 1,500 words

I want to talk about the context in which the work exists and from which our work decisions are made.

It takes one to know one: Dogma, heresy & fear

It takes one to know one: Dogma, heresy & fear

Going through the pandemic and living in this cultural moment where it feels like down is up and up is down has taught me many things. But one clear lesson has been our human fallibility to closed-minded thinking, group think, mob mentality, and tyranny.

Situating myself on the political spectrum and the authoritarianism of the left

Situating myself on the political spectrum and the authoritarianism of the left

I identify politically with the left of the spectrum because I am fundamentally opposed to authoritarianism and its manifestations and subsidiaries most often associated with and championed by the right. And it became undeniably clear that the right did not hold the patent on authoritarianism.

Explicating core political & spiritual values

Explicating core political & spiritual values

Doing the work of defining and explaining my values, at this particular edge of my life. Values that grew in the living of them. Values that guided my homeschooling, undergird my mothering, my relationships, and my politics.