January 20, 2025
I approach January as a time for rest, reflection, and hibernation, aligning my actions with winter’s natural energy rather than cultural pressures for productivity. Reflecting on 2024, I am deeply satisfied with my home, relationships, and overall security. My journaling process also provided a good visual reminder of where I want to grow and see improvements, specifically in career, writing, and homesteading. As I look ahead to 2025, I am so appreciative for exactly where I am and committed to building resilience for the challenges and joys this year (and others) will bring.
December 18, 2024
The timing of holiday preparations are not a tradition for us. What we do and when we do it and how much of it we do really depends on the year and where we're having Christmas. But now that live in this home are there definitely tree traditions to uphold.
December 9, 2024
Writing papers on weekends is not how I want to live my life at 49 years old, but this too shall pass.
August 26, 2024
Our social networks matter. And passing along social networks to our children is a way that parent’s help their children establish themselves in life.
July 21, 2024
I know to be suspect of things that are too good to be true. Also, that fairy tales aren’t real. But this summer, as we’d say in grad school, "is challenging those narratives".
July 8, 2024
The YouTube video from our move and first days in Nova Scotia.
June 24, 2024
It has been an unbelievable landing and arrival here. The briefest of days soaked rich with summer, meaning, and import. I can’t say the days will only get better from here because, honestly, this has been a week of highlights. But I do know that Oilers playoffs aside, living here will regularly bring me into contact with magic.