Outdoors & Nature Study (Homeschool)
Are we doing this right? There isn't a right way, so stop worrying about it and just enjoy being outdoors together.
Whether that's biking on a wooded path and appreciating the trees as you zip along. Or, watching a bird feeder and cataloging, or not, the birds that come visit. Or going for walks in the city where you live, looking for anything that blooms.
The best kind of nature study is the kind you and your children are inspired to do.
Experiencing Yellowstone National Park
Recommended sites and stops in Yellowstone National Park.
Lepidoptera Love (Birds & the Bees too)
The world is an amazing place. That's the point of nature study, to discover this amazing-ness.
Our Plans to Thru-Hike the AT
Announcing our intention to thru-hike the AT in 2014.
Arrival of the Purple Finch
The kids have been inspired to paint the birds, turning the bird feeder into a spring nature study.
Herb Fairies
An herbal curriculum for children.
How to Start a Homeschool Hiking Group ~ An Interview
Want to get outdoors more with your kids? Maybe try a homeschool hiking group.
More Spring Science (& Writing)
It's much more important to me that my kids enjoy the process and purpose of writing, than get it perfect.
Spring is For Science
The transformation of the season calls us outdoors and our learning naturally follows.
A Walking We Will Go
It was my husband's idea to turn our weekly library trip into a family walk night.
Monarchs in My Back Yard (MiMBY)
Studying caterpillars and butterflies is part of our summer science.
Pond study
A pond, some nets and plastic dishes is all you need to get started.
Gardening in January
This year I'm going to share the dirt with my daughter.
Nature Study, FIMBY Style
Our nature study maybe doesn't look like Charlotte Mason intended, but it works for us!
Raising Monarchs
Our photographs of the monarch life cycle.
Early Spring Education on Mount Will
The kids are learning perseverance, patience, leading, following, contentment, nature appreciation and how to leave the woods and the world as you found it.