Personality, Mission & Purpose
This page of resources belongs to the Wife Mother Writer Resource Library.
An evolving understanding of self and service. Using introspection and dialogue, personality assessments, and mission statements to help me make sense of where I am and where I'm going as I journey through periods of crisis and renewal, insecurity and confidence, fear and courage.
What a long time it can take to become the person one has always been! How often in the process we mask ourselves in faces that are not our own. How much dissolving and shaking of ego we must endure before we discover our deep identity - the true self within every human being that is the seed of authentic vocation. ~ Parker Palmer
The year I find my fire
The year I come into my power and purpose through unexpected means.
That's how I see-saw
My sense of responsibility to my people and how I can best succeed in meeting those responsibilities is a driving motivator in my life.
The light at the end of the tunnel
I am a caregiver and a people-nurturer.
Going to grad school
About 2 years ago, 18 months before the end of our family's homeschool journey, I started to get serious about figuring out what I would do when I retired from homeschooling.
A vocation of Christian & creative ministry
A vocation in inclusive Christian ministry, being turned upside down by love, and bringing more kindness and joy into the world.
Come and see
Stories are our best attempt at inviting someone into the experience of our lives.
Looking for security
I need to own this part of my story and myself. I feel my best self, my confident self, my most at-ease self with security in general and financial stability, in particular.
When all the hype feels meaningless (and other New Year's reflections)
We live a paradox because we are wired to strive, to improve, to survive; and yet achieving a state of "all shall well" is not a physical circumstance, but a spiritual reality.
Did I really say that?
At its core, The Reckoning, is reckoning with who you really are; it's the awareness of how your core tendencies have shadowed all your decisions.
Perimeters & Foundations
I identify strongly with the need to feel grounded and before I had language for that I expressed that as resistant to change, not very spontaneous, comforted by routines, all of which is still an accurate description.
That's not my job
Sometimes I think that with insight and clarity; with watching, listening, reading, and writing I will get closer to that place of ease and comfort I'm always looking for, the arrival.
The most radical spiritual discipline
A spiritual discipline for when I'm at the edge of my boundaries and breathing room is scarce.
Using a personal crisis to update a mission statement
And the beauty of the breakdown is that in its aftermath I found clarity, once again, about who I am, what I need, what I love, how I want to live, and what my mission is.
Who is my Greek Goddess?
My identity as an outdoors-loving woman and wife to an adventurous man has been, at times, "in conflict" with my identity as a happy homemaker.
Making peace with my personality ~ Workin' for the man
I didn't need to go looking for meaningful work online, the opportunity was right in front of me.
I'm not your type (more than you ever wanted to know about my personality)
Understanding my personality helps me love and accept myself more, as well as love and help my children in their growth and development.
Why Writing a Mission Statement is So Hard
When we stripped away the job, the career path, the retirement account, the house, and the familiar routines (on purpose) we were left wondering, now what?
Writing a Mission Statement ~ Questions & Themes
When I wrote my own mission statement I looked to my past to see if I could find themes, threads of continuity that connected my past to my present.
Writing a Personal Mission Statement ~ A Roadmap for the Journey
If I want to feel comfortable in my own skin I need to get grounded in who I am.
Personality Part Two ~ Blogging Rocked My World
A couple years ago something happened to rock my secure little world (in which I was queen); I discovered the world of photography, blogging, and grew into being a writer.
Knowing Me ~ Knowing You (Personality Part One)
Motherhood, the start of my journey of self-discovery.