
Situating myself on the political spectrum and the authoritarianism of the left

Situating myself on the political spectrum and the authoritarianism of the left

I identify politically with the left of the spectrum because I am fundamentally opposed to authoritarianism and its manifestations and subsidiaries most often associated with and championed by the right. And it became undeniably clear that the right did not hold the patent on authoritarianism.

Homeschooling as a political act

Homeschooling as a political act

Compulsory means alienate and undermine students/children from achieving the ends of developing autonomous thinking and action in solidarity-building relationships with family and community. This is both an educational and political stance.

Some thoughts from a recently retired homeschool mom

Some thoughts from a recently retired homeschool mom

I am in the beginnings of the life stage where the load of responsibility for my children has significantly lightened. I feel it and I love it!

The light at the end of the tunnel

The light at the end of the tunnel

Come hell or high water, come lockdowns and curfews, come transitions and discomfort, come mental health crises and loss of community, we were going to see our family through this difficult season.

Lighting Design, Homeschooling Freedom, and Project-Based Learning (an interview with the Warfels)

Lighting Design, Homeschooling Freedom, and Project-Based Learning (an interview with the Warfels)

An interview where we talk about design and the importance (and sometimes complexity) of lighting in our lives and where we explore the potential of homeschooling not just on our kids' education but our own career paths and family culture. And see how it all comes together in one family's experience with project-based learning and living.

Enthusiastic living, free learning, and self-knowledge

Enthusiastic living, free learning, and self-knowledge

What makes you feel alive? Catherine lives her life as a response to this question. And in doing so she challenges others, simply through her example, to reflect on their own decisions.

Practicing a philosophy of life

Practicing a philosophy of life

Homeschooling for me is as much about a commitment to the practice of a philosophy, a way of thinking and approaching life, as it is about providing my kids a certain type of education.