December 12, 2023
This essay explores my personal mental and emotional overwhelm due to the intake and processing of information and knowledge and the ongoing disruptions and changes to our society and culture. Ultimately, I’m seeking to discover how I’m supposed to live open-hearted and open-minded while being committed to intellectual expansion. The ache, the grief, the worry, the fear, and the disorientation that comes with knowledge and change are hard to manage and/or release.
March 21, 2023
Analyzing my own migrations, to interrogate the source of the “where is home?” question I have been asking myself for nearly 25 years.
December 17, 2022
The year I come into my power and purpose through unexpected means.
May 27, 2022
I haven’t considered myself to be an especially political person. In writing this series however, in reflecting on my ideas and cataloging my past political engagement, I realize my political-orientated behavior this winter is not out of character, though it may be surprising to readers.
September 28, 2021
We have much to learn. We don’t have a lot of time to learn it. It is my greatest wish that Canada’s post-modern sustainability ethic will be informed by Indigenous relations with the land, each other, and all beings. And in doing so, we’ll create a future that will sustain our children and our children’s children.
September 20, 2021
There’s been a longish season over the last few years of questioning my counter-cultural choices, everything from family finances to child raising. And then I decided to go to grad school.
April 30, 2021
In this new phase I’m still learning the boundaries for time and energy commitments. And that learning process can be bumpy.