Family Life (Homeschool)
This page of resources belongs to the Homeschool Help Library.
Love is the foundation of our homeschool. We build a relationship of love with each other, and with learning itself; and everything else falls into place.
Our childrens' education happens in the context of family life. The curriculum, resources, methodology and structure - all of it is designed to support our family values and meet our childrens' needs. The two go hand in hand.
Some thoughts from a recently retired homeschool mom
I am in the beginnings of the life stage where the load of responsibility for my children has significantly lightened.
Drama, homeschool community, and the Holy Spirit
I am so thankful for the influence I have in my teenagers' lives; but that comes at the personal cost of helping to build community and would not be possible (for me) without the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in my life.
Leaning in to the whoosh years (also called homeschooling a household of teenagers)
To co-opt a phrase from the corporate, career track women, now is the time to lean-in.
The best we can with what we have
It's not about the specifics; it's about doing the best we can with what we have.
(teen) Kids in the Kitchen
Having my kids involved in the kitchen is about learning important skills, like cooking, but it's also about sharing household responsibilities so I'm not taking on too much of the household burden.
Training in the Early Years ~ A Foundation for Self-Discipline
I'm a big believer in boundaries and unconditional love, and then total freedom in the loving relationship of those boundaries.
How to change the world (you know, let's pick something easy for today)
Imagine the world you want to live in and then go through your days like that is the reality.
Her high school education will be her own
The time has come when the story is no longer mine to share.
Growing Independence (for all of us)
Growing our children towards independence is one of my parenting goals.
Choosing a Family Activity over Team Sports
Active and healthy parents raise active and healthy children.
Show and Share Supper
Interest-led learning and supper time conversations.
Where They Want To Be (or, you don't need a school-room to homeschool)
My kids want to be where they have always been; close to the kitchen and close to me.
Saturday Swimming
Yes, our kids need friends; but siblings are first friends.
Showing my kids how to study
I am studying telemark and in doing so I am showing my children how to study and how to learn.
Kids in the Kitchen
As much as I value kitchen work and feeding my family, I realized that if I was going to work towards some of my other goals I needed to spend less time in the kitchen.
When You Feel Inadequate
The foundation is important, it's what holds you up in the stormy seasons.
There Are No Formulas
Looks like we'll be blazing our own trail. Again.
Listening & Loving
There is freedom and joy in this place.
Growing Up Looks Like...
spending hours each day to pursue your passions and current interests.
A Barebones Homeschool Day
I'm a better homemaker than I am homeschooler.
An Open Hearted Letter To Moms of Young Children
A heart felt letter about my own years as mother to young children.
What If Is a Two Way Street
Learning how to reframe your doubts and fears.
Homemaking and Homeschooling
The homemaking/homeschool rhythm from our elementary years.