January 31, 2024
A video of solo ski trip in Mont Tremblant National Park In mid-February 2023.
March 31, 2019
By the end of February I was feeling a whole lotta cranky. And then it came to me, while I was out in the woods for Laurent's birthday. I needed a solo backcountry ski trip in March.
March 29, 2019
I love the rolling mountain winter landscapes of Quebec, the ski hills and all the snow. I haven't had a strong sense of "home" as a place since leaving Alberta as a twenty-three year old wife and new mom, but winter mountains come close.
April 5, 2018
The story of a two-day trip to a cabin in Maine, skiing the Maine Huts & Trails system, enjoying our friend's cabin rental.
February 16, 2017
A injury presents an opportunity to pay attention to patterns of motion. To notice activities that cause pain and others that heal and strengthen. It's a wake-up call. Anxiety is somewhat similar.
February 11, 2017
Photographing my heart's joy and delight, it's what I do. But as my "delights" grow and move to independence, as they have experiences completely apart from me, in such healthy and beautiful ways, I guess I'll content myself with photographing the morning snow.
December 16, 2016
Things change over the years. Skiing together is something we've managed to hold on to, though it too has evolved.