Getting Organized

A video about my book borrowing process and book record keeping

A video about my book borrowing process and book record keeping

My book borrowing process and how I keep track of what I've read and want to read, the South Shore Libraries edition.

At the end of winter I publish a new blog series (and a surprising insight about energy)

At the end of winter I publish a new blog series (and a surprising insight about energy)

Getting ready to publish a five part series inspired by a weekend ski trip in February. But first, let me tell you about this winter in which I was busy, energized, and happy. Happy, in winter!

Making time to read & Recording what I've read

Making time to read & Recording what I've read

I am not a fast reader. I currently read 3-4 books per month and it's not about speed, or getting through; it's about engaging in story and ideas. I have a reading routine: certain genres at certain times of day. And I record what I read in my bullet journal and at Goodreads.

Starting a book series and my devotion to a good story

Starting a book series and my devotion to a good story

Fiction helps me understand the mind, heart, and body, the life experience of "the other", in the most relatable way possible, through story. It expands my cognitive and spiritual consciousness.

An early September update

An early September update

Coming home from our big road trip has been like a re-set on our life. This is a newsy update about organizing, deep cleaning and de-cluttering, new routines and dietary changes, personal boundaries with internet engagement, the power of meditation, working and homeschool.

Our apartment bedrooms, work space, and storage

Our apartment bedrooms, work space, and storage

Our apartment has three bedrooms, one for us, one for Laurent and one for the girls. The bedrooms are a great size, which comes in handy when space is shared, like Laurent's room also being Damien's "office".

Our apartment kitchen, bathroom, and laundry

Our apartment kitchen, bathroom, and laundry

A tour of our Montreal apartment, starting with where we cook, groom, and wash.