Making Home

{Video Post} First days at our new home

{Video Post} First days at our new home

The YouTube video from our move and first days in Nova Scotia.

These first days

These first days

It has been an unbelievable landing and arrival here. The briefest of days soaked rich with summer, meaning, and import. I can’t say the days will only get better from here because, honestly, this has been a week of highlights. But I do know that Oilers playoffs aside, living here will regularly bring me into contact with magic.

The year I find my fire

The year I find my fire

The year I come into my power and purpose through unexpected means.

What is a life if not a collection of days?

What is a life if not a collection of days?

Focused attention and a narrowed scope seems like a prerequisite for achieving noteworthy success.I lack a discrete and narrowed focus of interest and I feel this will prevent me from achieving noteworthy levels of success.

Women's work is never done (especially during the holidays)

Women's work is never done (especially during the holidays)

Are you starting to feel the stress of the season yet? Are you feeling all the things that you need to do (organize, plan, cook, etc.) to make this a good holiday season for your family? Why do women & especially mothers continue to do this work? How did we arrive here? What are possible solutions?

A late in the game feminist critique of the labour of reducing household consumption (& why I shop at Costco)

A late in the game feminist critique of the labour of reducing household consumption (& why I shop at Costco)

Re-evaluating my earlier efforts to reduce household consumption in my homemaking labours.

Looking forward to a real couch and our future

Looking forward to a real couch and our future

We don't own a couch. We haven't had a couch for almost 6 years.