Family Life & Kids

Thoughts and feelings as we are about to move

Thoughts and feelings as we are about to move

The intensity of this whirlpool of experience and emotion has released my ages-old, nebulous, and miasmic fear of failing my children and the more specific fear of the pain (for them and me) of the inevitable struggles, difficulties, and suffering of life.

We're leaving the kids

We're leaving the kids

I have a goal to produce more more video content after we move to Nova Scotia. But first I'd like to close the Montreal chapter and talk a bit about leaving the kids.

Leaving Home & Returning Home

Leaving Home & Returning Home

The house will be done by Christmas of this year. And sometime in spring, 3 years after that initial phone call, we’ll be leaving our home in Montreal to move, quite literally, to my parent’s home.

As I enter 2024

As I enter 2024

New Year 2024 reflections: This time will end. Appreciate its gifts. One day these days will be cherished memories.

Finding Home ~ The conclusion

Finding Home ~ The conclusion

Then it all became rather obvious. We’re the adventurers and explorers, the migrators without property. We’ve built flexibility into our lives and our work. We would move to my parents. We’d sail the boat of our family life into the security of their port.

My own migration story

My own migration story

Living in Montreal with no family, no mountains and no purchase of a property to anchor us, the question of “where is home” became insistent, especially after I lost the religious beliefs of my childhood.

Of children and parents

Of children and parents

Unconditional love and acceptance. A safe harbour. Joy and delight in their presence. A commitment to always hold the space open for the relationship. Our job is to love these children.