
Thoughts on social capital and location independence in a time of climate change (and other crises), in the context of an intergenerational familial “homestead”

Thoughts on social capital and location independence in a time of climate change (and other crises), in the context of an intergenerational familial “homestead”

Our social networks matter. And passing along social networks to our children is a way that parent’s help their children establish themselves in life.

The Clothesline Episode {YouTube Video} & living my best summer life

The Clothesline Episode {YouTube Video} & living my best summer life

I know to be suspect of things that are too good to be true. Also, that fairy tales aren’t real. But this summer, as we’d say in grad school, "is challenging those narratives".

{Video Post} First days at our new home

{Video Post} First days at our new home

The YouTube video from our move and first days in Nova Scotia.

These first days

These first days

It has been an unbelievable landing and arrival here. The briefest of days soaked rich with summer, meaning, and import. I can’t say the days will only get better from here because, honestly, this has been a week of highlights. But I do know that Oilers playoffs aside, living here will regularly bring me into contact with magic.

Thoughts and feelings as we are about to move

Thoughts and feelings as we are about to move

The intensity of this whirlpool of experience and emotion has released my ages-old, nebulous, and miasmic fear of failing my children and the more specific fear of the pain (for them and me) of the inevitable struggles, difficulties, and suffering of life.

We're leaving the kids

We're leaving the kids

I have a goal to produce more more video content after we move to Nova Scotia. But first I'd like to close the Montreal chapter and talk a bit about leaving the kids.

Leaving Home & Returning Home

Leaving Home & Returning Home

The house will be done by Christmas of this year. And sometime in spring, 3 years after that initial phone call, we’ll be leaving our home in Montreal to move, quite literally, to my parent’s home.