November 16, 2011
I'm not heavy on complaining. Sometimes I rant and sometimes I whine but out and out complain about how miserable I am is not something I regularly do (I'm not usually all that miserable to be honest). And even when life isn't going my way, someone, somewhere always has it ...
November 3, 2011
We want our housing to reflect our values and enable us to accomplish some of our bigger dreams.
October 28, 2011
Before you let the what if's stop you from living your values, aspirations, and intentions point yourself around in the other direction. Because what if is a two way street.
October 25, 2011
The only way you make progress at all is to dream up some cool stuff to get you moving.
October 14, 2011
Today at Simple Homeschool I'm talking about my biggest homeschool mistake. Like I say in that post, I just don’t look at life that way – looking back to mistakes, wishing or wondering if I should have done something different. If that sounds know-it-all, trust me, it's not. I am ...
October 3, 2011
This video is the second part in a two part video series about our Middle Homeschool Years. I also answer the question - how does interest-led learning work within structure?
September 20, 2011
How our three kids share one bedroom while living with my parents in Nova Scotia.