January 4, 2012
Thank you everyone for sharing your intentions on the One Bite at a Time giveaway post. By the way, comments close tonight and I'll randomly choose three winners who each get an copy of Tsh's e-book. Get your comment in now to be entered. I've read every single one of ...
December 21, 2011
Living in a small home in a beautiful place - adventuring, learning, working, creating together - that's the goal.
December 9, 2011
Yesterday was just one of those days. A day filled to the brim with the life we've dreamed of living. After Wednesday I needed a day like this. I feel kind of silly sharing all the goodness with you - like I'm bragging or something, which I'm not. But I ...
December 8, 2011
Yesterday was just one of those days. A day of difficult moments. At a time of year you don't want difficult (when do you want difficult moments?) because it's Christmas, and there's holiday music and pretty lights everywhere and candles burning, and shouldn't that make you feel happy? I was ...
November 29, 2011
In the last couple weeks I've had interesting comments and feedback from some of you, appreciating my honesty and transparency in this move. You ain't seen nothing yet. I don't mean to make any of you squirm. This is not a tell-all blog. There are certain subjects I just don't ...
November 25, 2011
I know what I said, I wasn't thinking about Christmas till after Brienne's birthday. But... a funny (and blessed!) thing happened this week - the chalet got mostly organized. I am breathing a huge sigh of relief. There's a few crates of books we need to bring in and find ...
November 19, 2011
This season Kathie, at Two Frog Home, is doing a series of interviews called The Fall of Excuses. I love that play on words - fall for autumn and also "getting rid of the excuses standing in our way" as we work towards accomplishing our goals and dreams. Kathie asked ...