
Launching Life 3.0

Launching Life 3.0

Last weekend, after years of heart-to-heart discussions, prayer, money management, dreaming, scheming, waiting, preparing, hoping, and hard work we took the leap. We moved so we could position ourselves in a place where we can actually follow our dreams and live the life we want as a family.

Arrived ~ Safe (& Tired)

Arrived ~ Safe (& Tired)

After a nearly 20 hour day we arrived at my parents last night at midnight. We were up early yesterday morning to do the final, final load of our sleeping bags, cleaning supplies and toothbrushes (which I still can't locate). In the morning rush we found one kitchen cupboard that ...

Our Homeschool Curriculum (When We're Not Moving)

Our Homeschool Curriculum (When We're Not Moving)

My post on our homeschool curriculum is live today at Simple Homeschool. This of course, is what we do when we're not moving. For the last two months we have embraced unschooling. However, I look forward to finding a new school groove (with Daddy at home - yeehaw!) after we ...

An Interview with Our Family ~ And Walking Through Fear

An Interview with Our Family ~ And Walking Through Fear

Our family was recently interviewed (sounds so grand when it's really only questions sent via e-mail and response sent back via e-mail) by Francis Tapon. Damien did a review last month of Francis' book Hike Your Own Hike. Tapon's interview of our family can be found on his site WanderLearn ...

A Room For Living

A Room For Living

As we prepare to move (only 10 more days!) I've been writing a series about the renovations we've done on our house over the years. This is the fourth post in the series. Here are the rest: The Door that Damien Built ~ A Change in our Housing Priorities The ...

Spring Week-ending

Spring Week-ending

A weekend for saying goodbye to familiar places. Our favorite Japanese restaurant, where Brienne has been eating since she was five days old - her first outing. Ok, she didn't eat the food there when she was five days old but she did nurse! A little stop at the toy ...

A Spring Bouquet

A Spring Bouquet

Part random family life, part linky post, part moving update. Like a bouquet of colorful spring flowers. Mamaspeak It's Mothers Day this weekend (like you didn't notice) and we don't have any plans except to give me a bit of time off from this move. We're not big gift people ...