(Beyond the home) Work & Career

Wanna be a work-at-home mom? (and finding our way as moms and women)

Wanna be a work-at-home mom? (and finding our way as moms and women)

I think it's official that I'm now a work at home mom. Saying this feels strange to me. Because I've always worked at home. But now my work earns our family money and there are dedicated times in our schedule when I do this work (in which I have to ...

I'm not your type (more than you ever wanted to know about my personality)

I'm not your type (more than you ever wanted to know about my personality)

Personality typing never mattered all that much to me until recent years. Now, understanding why I work the way I do - self knowledge - has become quite important to me. I'll get into explaining why I think that is but first I want to explain where this all started. ...

My Christmas Card for you

My Christmas Card for you

This is a bit of different post for Christmas Eve day. I wrote it last week but didn't have space during the week to publish it. It's a bit wordy. If you don't have time to read it today save it for later in the week. I still want to ...

My Afternoon Time ~ When I Work

My Afternoon Time ~ When I Work

My days are lived in six parts. Early morning, morning, lunch, afternoon, supper and evening. I have certain activities I do in each. Usually, not always. Sometimes I change the schedule on purpose or I'm required by circumstance to be spontaneous. A morning walk for example because if I don't ...

Home From Allume

Home From Allume

I am home today. Home yesterday in fact but last night I slept in my bed and that makes it official. I am home to the woods and woodsmoke. The stark reality of trees with no leaves. (Pennsylvania trees have not yet lost their glory, that was a nice treat ...

Our Work Goals & Vision

Our Work Goals & Vision

We've been talking a bit about work for the past couple weeks and I'm going to continue on that theme because this is where we're at right now. It's what's fresh in our lives and our writing. We're trying to answer the question (for our family's unique situation) "how can ...

We Have a Store (homeschool, health, adventure, natural family living support and services)

We Have a Store (homeschool, health, adventure, natural family living support and services)

I have some exciting news to share - we have a store! In the past I've talked about the iterative process Damien and I use to flesh out ideas in our life. And how those ideas keep moving forward but usually in a slow, cyclical fashion until we finally do ...