October 19, 2012
One of our goals when we moved was to build a livelihood together at the intersection of our skills and passion, expertise and interests. We don't have a specific "career" in mind for either of us. Instead, we envision our work as an ongoing evolution of projects and ideas that ...
July 11, 2012
This has been a hard e-book to finish. But it's coming. Soon. Maybe it's because (I'm sure this has something to do with it!) I've lived in three different homes over the past three months. We had an incredibly intense, fun filled May and June. Not to mention I've had ...
June 9, 2012
I saw this video yesterday on a friend's facebook feed, and I just had to share it. (If you like this trailer help kickstart this movie, they need funds to see this project through to completion.) Seems like we're part of a movement. You see, there's a whole bunch of ...
May 16, 2012
I know, from experience, it doesn't stay this way. This moment of craziness does not define my life. This flux and change, and creative problem solving, is part of the package of creating the life we want for our family.
May 14, 2012
I've been talking about my mission now for the past month. In my first post I explained that part of my motivation for writing a personal mission statement was because of the work I am starting to do beyond mothering - freelance writing, coaching, an e-book, etc. I wanted a ...
May 10, 2012
When we stripped away the job, the career path, the retirement account, the house, and the familiar routines (on purpose) we were left wondering, now what?
May 7, 2012
We went backpacking this weekend. It was fabulous. Understand when I say fabulous I don't mean that every single moment was bliss. Backpacking is hard physical work. And when it rains (it did) it's muddy and wet. And it can be cold. And smelly. Your shoulders get sore, so do ...