(Beyond the home) Work & Career

Insecurity and Compassion ~ Being Human

Insecurity and Compassion ~ Being Human

I've always struggled with insecurities of some kind or another. Early on, I thought it was just me. I've since learned this is a human affliction so I know I'm in good company here.

What I brought home from Allume ~ Survey Says

What I brought home from Allume ~ Survey Says

Last fall you might remember I went to a blogging conference. For me, the highlights of that conference were meeting online friends and acquaintances; bunking with Jamie, visiting with my dear friend Emily, traveling somewhere different, and learning more about better blogging.

I need your help

I need your help

Last week I was supposed to deliver a webinar. A webinar that didn't happen because I didn't get enough registrations to pull it off. The webinar-that-wasn't. Here's how I went about making the plan for this webinar. I've been listening to homeschool parents I coach, reading blog post comments, and ...

I may have been wrong about myself

I may have been wrong about myself

I had the pleasure recently of speaking with Heather Caliri from the blog A Little Yes. Heather's blog is all about saying "yes" in your life and she's writing a series of interviews called One Woman's Yes, sharing the stories of different women who have said yes in their life. ...

Moving right along then

Moving right along then

This post is somewhat self-serving. I make no apologies for that. I used my blog writing time this week to work my way through January's emotional low points. Read at your own risk. Next week I'll be back to FIMBY's regular programming, you know, the Fun part of Fun in ...

A Winter Schedule for Life & Learning

A Winter Schedule for Life & Learning

I love the direction and discipline a schedule provides to actually implement ideas - homeschooling, earning an income, healthy eating, exercise, outdoors, reading, play, projects, etc. They all have a place in our days and on the schedule.

Your values are more important than your schedule

Your values are more important than your schedule

Schedules are built on values, and when your schedule fails you, your values still remain intact and provide solid footing.