April 27, 2011
I'm feeling maxed out mentally with this move. I'm tired of attending to details upon details. Tired of lists and organization. Tired of trips to Goodwill nearly every week. Tired of creative plans on hold, school on hold. Tired of compromising certain values. Tired of the sorting, decluttering, packing. Tired ...
April 22, 2011
When life is most crazy that is often the point we most need to "check out". To go to those places that restore, refresh and recharge our batteries. Nice in theory, hard in practice. We make a point of being outdoors and unplugged once a week together and that hasn't ...
April 17, 2011
Realizing that you only get to raise kids once we decided to invest more in building family than renovating a house. (Truth be told: we'd rather do other things with our time.)
April 7, 2011
I'm over at Simple Homeschool today talking about homeschooing and moving. On the surface moving seems so straight forward. At least all of our other moves have been fairly straight forward. Make a plan, pack up, drive somewhere new, unpack. This time around moving means DIY renovations, securing the rental ...
April 6, 2011
Here on the internet were mothers, homemakers and homeschoolers (like me) who were sharing their lives, their ideas, their selves - from home and making money doing so.
April 4, 2011
Did you know we're moving twice this year? Next month we leave Maine and go to my parent's place in Nova Scotia where we will spend the summer. We're not moving to a job and because we'll be earning a living from home it doesn't matter where we live. But ...
March 25, 2011
According to the calendar it's spring. Of course we've had snow most every day this week but it melts. Bless its soul. As far as I know snow does not have a soul but you know what I mean. For the last couple of weeks I've taken the kids on ...