
Children and Change ~ Posting today at Simple Mom

Children and Change ~ Posting today at Simple Mom

I'm over at Simple Mom today posting about Encouraging Children to Embrace Lifestyle Change. It was actually readers' (and relatives) questions regarding how our children are responding to our move that prompted me to write this article. I've had the outline of this post sketched out for almost one year. ...

Hello Unschooling and Other Sanity Savers

Hello Unschooling and Other Sanity Savers

Last week sent me for a loop. Deadlines, expectations, insecurities, winter blah, and the full moon seemed to conspire against me. My best attempts to "be on top of everything" together with the reality of our moving preparations was threatening to overwhelm me. And so by the end of the ...

Year of the Move: Outsourcing & Compromises

Year of the Move: Outsourcing & Compromises

After telling you my words for the month of January (and perhaps this whole winter as we prepare for our move) are organize and evaluate I'm ready to share two more, outsourcing and compromise. Making compromises and outsourcing parts of our life were the inevitable consequences of seriously evaluating our ...

Year of the Move: Organize & Evaluate

Year of the Move: Organize & Evaluate

{You'll want to read my follow up to this post in which I pretty much say I couldn't do what I laid out here in this post. Nothing like writing to keep you accountable.} I've noticed that picking a word for the month or even the year is a common ...

Moving Forward

Moving Forward

After keeping all of you (or some of you) in suspense we're now ready to share our big news, we have decided to return to Canada in this year of 2011. It's unbelievable the amount of mental, creative and emotional energy that have gone into that one little sentence. Many ...

Planning to buy a home

Planning to buy a home

We've been talking about it for a couple months and recently made a decision to buy our own home this spring/summer. We had wanted to save more for a down payment, to lower the term of a mortgage but if we wait much longer any extra savings will be eaten ...