
Becoming an (e)Reader

Becoming an (e)Reader

Finding my way, by necessity, in the new world of digital books.

There Are No Formulas

There Are No Formulas

This weekend Damien spent some time poring over maps and the Internet, starting to think about our summer adventures. He came to the conclusion that we are going to have to blaze our own trail a bit this summer, in terms of backpacking trips in the peninsula. And so it ...

Finding More Time. For Real.

Finding More Time. For Real.

Do you want to find more time in your day? Time to create. Time to exercise. Time to cook. Time for adventure. Time to visit. Time to nap. Time for... whatever.

Exercise While You Work & Life is Hard (but oh so beautiful too)

Exercise While You Work & Life is Hard (but oh so beautiful too)

When I gave you a tour of the chalet where we are living for the winter, I left out one part - Damien's "workspace". That was his story to tell because it's not your typical desk, as you can see. Damien recently shared his Treadmill Desk story and set up ...

Moving Challenges ~ Counting to 1,000 ~ Winter Ski Vacation

Moving Challenges ~ Counting to 1,000 ~ Winter Ski Vacation

This has been an amazing move for our family and the months since we left Maine last May and then arrived here in Gaspé last fall have been full to the brim with blessings. Honestly, it's like I've been given a gift - the gift of dreams coming true and ...

Skiing ~ To The Mountains We Go

Skiing ~ To The Mountains We Go

Post three of five in my Ski Week series. The mountains inspire us. One of the reasons we moved to the Gaspé peninsula was for the mountains. Some people (our families?) might find it strange but we need to be close to the mountains. We know this about ourselves. During ...

Fall Intentions ~ The Nitty Gritty

Fall Intentions ~ The Nitty Gritty

I loved reading every single one of your intentions for this new year. Thank you for sharing them. You're an inspiring and ambitious bunch! I will be announcing the three winners of the One Bite at a Time giveaway tomorrow, so stay tuned. In my giveaway post I promised to ...