
Instagram and Interest-led learning

Instagram and Interest-led learning

People, including children, learn what they "need to know" by doing things that interest and inspire them.

A little bit of drawing

A little bit of drawing

We didn't teach the kids to draw, they just never lost their interest in it. Nature or nurture? I'm not exactly sure but I think it's a bit of both.

Technology is the New Literacy

Technology is the New Literacy

We don't want to teach our kids to be point and click users, we want to teach them to be think and create users.

Show and Share Supper

Show and Share Supper

Our supper time fantasy table talk was becoming tedious. It was time to re-engage with the "real world".

Arrival of the Purple Finch

Arrival of the Purple Finch

The most recent arrival to the feeder is the Purple Finch. This spring is the first time we've seen a purple finch; and we're all in love with the rich red of the males.

Where They Want To Be (or, you don't need a school-room to homeschool)

Where They Want To Be (or, you don't need a school-room to homeschool)

You don't need a special space to create the "right environment" for creativity or learning. What you need is "right relationship".

The color of creativity

The color of creativity

We are waiting right now for the colors of spring. The weather is warming and the snow is melting but lime green leaves, buttery yellow blossoms, and pastel purple petals are still weeks away in our world.