The color of creativity

dragonfly glass tile

We are waiting right now for the colors of spring.


The weather is warming and the snow is melting but lime green leaves, buttery yellow blossoms, and pastel purple petals are still weeks away in our world. 

tree painting

It is at this time of year, waiting for color outdoors, that I especially appreciate the color of creativity indoors.

paint palette

Even Lego looks pretty on the floor.

lego on floor

And a terrarium of weeds (the kids are desperate to nurture growing things again) in an old plastic container adds green life to our windowsill.  

green plant on window sill

paintbrushes drying

colored pencil crayons

Paints, pencils, and projects all bringing color into our lives.

« I am Woman ~ Hear me Chop
A letter for a tough season »
  • Susan

    Susan on April 21, 2013, 10:36 a.m.

    My mother in law says they are only weeds if you do not want them . If you like them keep them. Love their little garden of weeds.



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