Monthly Archives Oct 2008

October Calendula

October Calendula

Family Fun Can-Do Robots

Family Fun Can-Do Robots

For some inexplicable reason every month I get a copy of Family Fun in my mailbox. I've never subscribed or paid for this magazine. Apparently, the magazine mysteriously shows up in my friend's mailboxes also. Hum... what's going on here?? It's free so I can't complain... but maybe just a ...



Golden Harvest: pumpkin and apples from the farm Turns out I'm not the only urban earth mama. Someone who thrills in making compost in her little backyard plot, feels a spiritual connection to a local csa farm, spends time in the kitchen cooking beets, kale and collards, takes photos of ...

Open Hand, Open Heart

Open Hand, Open Heart

I decided to take up this challenge from Me Ra Koh's blog this month. Man, this was hard. I'm not used to taking photos of non-living persons, places and things. But I'm trying to stretch myself and grow as a photographer. Can't say I'm totally thrilled with the result but ...

Through a child's eyes

Through a child's eyes

Child, though I am meant to teach you much, what is it, in the end, except that together we are meant to be children of the same Father, and I must unlearn all the adult structure and the cumbering years and you must teach me to look at the earth ...

Unchurch - what is it

Unchurch - what is it

Our family currently belongs to an unchurch. Having rejected labels for so long I'm a little hesitant to assume this one, so I'm currently just trying it on to see how it fits. Our friend and fellow believer defined it quite nicely on his blog and I'll let you read ...

Vienna Vegetable Orchestra

Vienna Vegetable Orchestra

Who says you can't play with your food? The kids and I were totally amazed and inspired today watching these vegetable musicians. In Laurent's opinion, "that is super cool!" As I type this my younger two are digging carrots out of the garden (doing my end of season garden chore ...

End of the day toast

End of the day toast

Supper prep tonight my life felt rich and warm. My 9 year old in charge of the kitchen, Vivaldi's four seasons playing, a glass of red wine, the warm glow of lamps at dusk. Life is good.

Homeschooling Highschoolers

Homeschooling Highschoolers

We are not home educating our kiddos so they can re-enter "the system" in high school and whoop some academic butt. We're not home educating them so they can win spelling bees. We're not home educating them so they can get into the local community college or a prestigious liberal ...

Pumpkin and Bean Casserole

Pumpkin and Bean Casserole

Using pumpkins and squash in one-pot dishes, the main fare around here, can be tricky. My kids aren't keen on winter squash in their soups and stews (and other such one-pot wonders) but this throw it all together Pumpkin and Black Bean Casserole from FatFree Vegan Kitchen was wildly popular ...

Photography potpourri

Photography potpourri

Some of the photography blogs I follow had great posts this past week that informed, amused and inspired me. Thought I'd pass along the goodies. But first a little goodie/tutorial of my own. While washing dishes on Sunday morning out of the corner of my eye I saw the sun ...

Weekend Restoration

Weekend Restoration

A pot of soup a tidy desk time spent at the farm. In my kitchen with my camera working in the garden. I live the season discover God content in finding normal. var addthis_pub="rtougas";

Then sings my soul

Then sings my soul

Other people draw, dance, sing, write music or poetry, play instruments, meditate, chant or pray. I sometimes do all those too. But tonight this was my worship, my hymn if you please.

Finding fall at the farm

Finding fall at the farm

Two weeks worth of mail is still piled on my desk, together with passports, travel documents and school notes. It's a mess. But the laundry is hanging on this breezy sunshine day and our fridge is stocked with farm veggies. Boy is it ever stocked! The weekly shares officially ended ...

Way out of sync

Way out of sync

I am totally overwhelmed. I'm posting today because I need to take time to write out my "anxiousness" (I always feel better after writing) and so that I can look back on this post in a couple weeks and say "whew, I'm glad I'm not in that space anymore". Self ...

Sunset and Sunrise

Sunset and Sunrise

Sunset over Seattle area We left Damien's parent's house yesterday afternoon, arriving at the airport 2 hours early to ensure enough time for check-in, customs and security. From there our journey home included 3 flights (through evening, nighttime and morning hours), 2 long lay overs and 4 time changes. We ...

Canadian Thanksgiving

Canadian Thanksgiving

No time to write anything significant. We go home very soon and I'm ready. Want to get back to my kitchen, the farm, my daily writing, the red maples (oh I hope they haven't all lost their leaves), and to the carrots I still need to dig from the garden. ...

The photos say it all

The photos say it all

Our trip feels kind of like this Alberta countryside photo, whizzing by way too fast. Post-It note seen in outdoor/travel store: var addthis_pub="rtougas";

Fear's antidote

Fear's antidote

Have to admit I haven't had a lot of time to think about all the fearful things that are happening right now in the economy and how that affects people's lives. We're visiting with family and trying to make the most of our precious, limited time together. I don't want ...

Communication breakdown

Communication breakdown

Alberta countryside Our server crashed this weekend, of course while we're 2,000 miles (or so) away from home. A friend went over today to fix it so I can finally post again. It's rather scary how much blogging means to me these days. It's how I communicate what is important ...

Grandma's Farmer's Market

Grandma's Farmer's Market

BC fruit Grandma sells her hand crafted jewelry at her community farmer's market each week. We had such a fun time sharing the last market of the season with her and grandpa this past Thursday. Grandma let each one of us choose a piece of jewelery. Celine spent most of ...

Memories of love and birth

Memories of love and birth

We're visiting family right now, in the city where we met and were newlyweds. At that time in our lives none of our parents or siblings lived here. Now all of Damien's family does. We were both small town Alberta kids who met and fell in love while going to ...

Afternoon tea enroute

Afternoon tea enroute

Yesterday's afternoon tea came from a paper cup in a busy airport clear across the country from my cozy living room. In the middle of 16 hours of travel, lay overs and security clearances through 3 different time zones. But I'm happy to report that today's afternoon tea was once ...