Communication breakdown

Alberta countrysideAlberta countryside</span>

Our server crashed this weekend, of course while we're 2,000 miles (or so) away from home. A friend went over today to fix it so I can finally post again. It's rather scary how much blogging means to me these days. It's how I communicate what is important to me through words and photos. Without this "outlet" I feel antsy and like all my feelings are bottled up. Now that's a really profound statement. Sounds like something women are notoriously known for saying to men, "don't bottle those feelings up inside".

I came to a blogging realization this weekend during a conversation with my sis-in-law. I admitted to her I feel I communicate better through blogging than real live conversation because when I blog I take the time to think about what I'm saying. I temper my strong beliefs, worldviews and values as I write and have less chance of hurting someone with what I say. Things can get a little out of hand when I start to actually speak.

I'm passionate about many things, it's hard to keep that enthusiasm to myself and I don't want my convictions to come across as criticisms. So, sometimes I'd just rather write than speak. It comes out better and truer to what I'm really trying to communicate.

My friend Emily at Journey Notes said it well on her blog this morning, with this quote from Robert McCloskey:

"I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."

And to my sis-in-law B., thanks for the great conversations. You are such a gracious person, trying to draw out the best in someone and understand their point of view. I have a lot to learn from you. Love ya lots!

Late season ladybugsLate season ladybugs</span>

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« Grandma's Farmer's Market
Fear's antidote »
  • Nicole Gunter

    Nicole Gunter on Oct. 8, 2008, 12:53 a.m.

    Hi Renee. I've checked out your blog and love it! Your pictures are fantastic and speak volumes about how and what you appreciate in life. You have a way with words that is heartwarming, and calls me to read more! I often say, "life is such an adventure". I feel like I've gotten a little picture of your 'adventure' and I feel inspired and encouraged! Thanks for sharing. I'll be stopping in regularly, and tomorrow, I'm going to get glue and borax!



    • renee

      renee on Oct. 8, 2008, 11:06 a.m.

      Nicole, Thanks for stopping by and your kind words. Sorry I couldn't get together with you all yesterday. Have fun with your homeschooling adventure, we are loving it.



  • Andie

    Andie on Oct. 8, 2008, 12:03 p.m.

    Beautiful barn. I also think you are too hard on yourself. I am SURE you are just as wonderful in person. Really, how could you not be. Passion is wonderful, I love having heated discussions with people...especially over cups of warm liquid (tea for you, coffee for me). :) a.


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