Fear's antidote

Have to admit I haven't had a lot of time to think about all the fearful things that are happening right now in the economy and how that affects people's lives. We're visiting with family and trying to make the most of our precious, limited time together. I don't want to make room for fear and take away from the enjoyment of life together - right here, right now. But I know fear is real for many people, especially if these economic upheavals affect their homes and jobs. For them that is a painful reality right here, right now.

Prairie Grass at sunset

So, I loved what I read on Me Ra Koh's blog this afternoon. She shared a story from her own history of offering hospitality in spite of limited economic means. The release of fear and helplessness that comes from creating beauty from nothing. And how giving and caring has the power to change one's outlook, if not your circumstances. It's almost like giving of yourself is the antidote to fear. If you need a change of outlook why not try giving, or creating beauty? Something to think about.

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« Communication breakdown
The photos say it all »
  • Karen

    Karen on Oct. 8, 2008, 8:47 p.m.

    Thanks for sharing Me Ra Koh's story and blog site. Their photography portfolio is beautiful, which I'm sure inspires you. Just the way I feel when I read your blogs (which also have great photography but I especially appreciate the 'words'). You've challenged me to be more committed to my own writing - I'm now working/reading my way through the Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. I've started before but it just never clicked. This time I find myself wanting to get up and write the morning pages - her signature tool (along with the weekly artist date) in creative recovery. Several of my painter and writer friends found this book very helpful in getting beyond creative doldrums so I am expecting, with my consistent effort, similar positive results. Thanks again for your motivation!


    • renee

      renee on Oct. 9, 2008, 12:21 a.m.

      Yay mom, write baby write! Yes, isn't Me Ra Koh's portfolio beautiful?? I'm totally inspired by it! And by so many other photography/blogs I come across. Let's keep inspiring each other to further creative growth and stretching. Love you mom!



  • jfrancis

    jfrancis on Oct. 9, 2008, 12:11 a.m.

    Prairie grass has often lent its life to Alberta's sod for the growing of a nation__ and received in return a place to lie, a place to die.


    • renee

      renee on Oct. 9, 2008, 12:23 a.m.

      jfrancis, sounds like you know something about Alberta,or maybe you were just making poetic guesses. Either way you hit it right on. Love your poems, thanks so much for sharing them. I'm honored you keep visiting and sharing your creativity with us.



  • Spring

    Spring on Oct. 9, 2008, 12:52 p.m.

    I read a great blog the other day about giving whatever it is you need. That in God's economy, what ever we give, be it time, money, or a meal, will always be multiplied, like the loaves and the fishes. And so the author was encouraging us to give whatever it is that we need ourselves. I like how that dovetails with the blog you shared.


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