September 29, 2013
I got a new camera this week. I have no time for camera talk right now, only time to share a few fall photos.
September 6, 2013
Work is work no matter how you slice and dice it. You may be passionate about the outcome, it may be an expression of your values, but it's still work.
July 9, 2013
There are too many good things in life you miss out on when you wish yourself somewhere else.
June 14, 2013
I've always struggled with insecurities of some kind or another. Early on, I thought it was just me. I've since learned this is a human affliction so I know I'm in good company here.
June 9, 2013
I imagine I will face rainy days and weeks on the trail the same way I face them in my "normal" life; with a heavy dose of shouldering through (putting on my big girl panties, even if they are rain soaked), doing my darndest to focus on beauty and light, ...
May 6, 2013
You don't need a special space to create the "right environment" for creativity or learning. What you need is "right relationship".