April 22, 2013
That was one of the toughest Marchs on record. Now that we are through it and Spring is firmly rooted in your heart I wanted to write you a little love note.
February 6, 2013
January was a challenging month. Fresh on the heels of a fabulous Christmas holiday and a wonderfully restorative month of December, I hadn't expected to struggle last month. I had plans. Ahem. I am spending this week's writing time processing my way through January. Digging to understand January's highs and ...
January 28, 2013
In the scholar phase (and this is very brief) young adults take ownership for their study, under the direction of mentors. There is accountability for the student's learning and progress. But the study is still guided by the learner's interests and needs. It's their education.
January 25, 2013
Schedules are built on values, and when your schedule fails you, your values still remain intact and provide solid footing.
January 1, 2013
I often find my writing a little awkward, out of place even, this time of year in the blogosphere. This year doesn't seem to be much of an exception. I have no looking back post to share. No collection of 2012's top posts, a play by play of what we ...
December 13, 2012
My most popular posts on the blog are my soap and body care how-to's, especially this time of year. This is somewhat ironic seeing as I don't write about those topics a whole lot anymore. Today is an exception. Last year I was trying to figure out what direction I ...
November 2, 2012
I took Brienne and Laurent trick or treating this week, walking through the woodsmoke scented neighborhoods of our town. You know what's strange? The French don't say "Trick or Treat". That's an English phrase. There is no French script for showing up the door and begging for candy. Without the ...