
Vocation, Marriage, and Work: An introduction

Vocation, Marriage, and Work: An introduction

We had a plan. We married and created a family. I stayed home to raise the kids. Damien worked to support us. And then life and living took us on paths we couldn't have imagined.

Writing and blog changes

Writing and blog changes

A change is coming to the blog this fall. And I'm writing a series on work, vocation and marriage that will hopefully be ready to publish soon.

Story weekend ("meeting" Anne Lamott)

Story weekend ("meeting" Anne Lamott)

I could have stood in the book line, empty-handed and full-hearted, to say, like so many adoring readers, "I love your writing", when what I really wanted to say is "I love you". But that felt foolish, which maybe I am.

Using Evernote to manage ideas

Using Evernote to manage ideas

I am a thinker, writer, and reader. I homeschool three teenagers, I manage our home, and I'm actively finding my way into as-of-yet unknown vocation (you could say I'm finding myself). I like to learn, make stuff, and go places. Evernote is where I manage all those ideas.

January for the rest of us

January for the rest of us

I take issue with most January blog posts I read that focus on productivity, goal setting, and self-improvement projects in general.

Sitting with life

Sitting with life

And so I have to sit with it, acknowledge it. Seek peace not in removing myself, emotionally or relationally, from the sources of pain, but seek peace in acceptance and surrender.

Facing my writing anxiety

Facing my writing anxiety

I'm doing my anxiety homework this morning.