
Did I Mention our Life is Crazy Sometimes?

Did I Mention our Life is Crazy Sometimes?

I know, from experience, it doesn't stay this way. This moment of craziness does not define my life. This flux and change, and creative problem solving, is part of the package of creating the life we want for our family.

Spring Tomatoes and Growing Where You're Planted

Spring Tomatoes and Growing Where You're Planted

Spring is usually a busy time of year for me in the garden. This year it's busy for a whole bunch of different reasons. Without a garden I'm in a real season of "blooming where I'm planted" and being creative with what this looks like. Our housing situation is not ...

Ready, Set... May (& We're Going To Montreal)

Ready, Set... May (& We're Going To Montreal)

So, so much going on this month, where to start. The school books are now closed, and we're starting a two month break from our regular learning routine (all that stuff I wrote about in this curriculum post). Celine will continue with her self-directed studies and Damien will continue to ...

An Iterative Process & Spring Breakthroughs

An Iterative Process & Spring Breakthroughs

Damien and I move forward in our life goals through an iterative process. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, it's geek speak for the cyclical process of refining an idea, with each refinement (or repetition) getting you closer to the desired goal. What this means practically is that ...

When You Feel Inadequate

When You Feel Inadequate

Ever have one of those days, or weeks or months when you feel woefully inadequate as a homeschooler or mother? Yeah, me too.

Craft Storage in a Small Space

Craft Storage in a Small Space

Today I have a video to share with you. Taking you "behind the scenes" to show you how we store craft supplies in our small chalet.

Hello April, Please Be Kind

Hello April, Please Be Kind

I have debated for days whether I should write this post. Every time I sit down to write I have at least ten ideas on the go vying for my attention. So if I take the time to write about how difficult the month of March was those other ideas ...