January 28, 2017
It's been about 10 years since I've been on skates but I have a childhood bank of muscle memory and experience to drawn on, it's coming back to me slowly.
September 18, 2016
It is completely possible in Montreal to eat a wide variety of exclusively Quebec grown produce through the summer months.
September 16, 2015
One of the things I love about Montreal is how bike-friendly the city is. Designated bike lanes abound and you don't even have to own a bike, you can subscribe to the bike sharing service called Bixi.
October 10, 2014
I'm not knowledgeable about the tides but yesterday there was no beach to walk or sit on, only wind-whipped waves crashing against the rock walls.
November 11, 2013
The trees stand naked and the oranges of autumn are now sodden brown underfoot. Without the warmth of the leaves the light lacks fortitude. It feels watery and diffuse.
August 18, 2013
The wild raspberry harvest coincides with a slightly different season than I am used to.
July 24, 2013
If I could choose to be an expert in just one thing during this stage of our homeschool journey, I'd chose to be an expert in knowing my kids and building a better relationship with them.