December 31, 2010
As I sit here typing this I am in the midst of my brother's toy strewn living room. The days are filled with cousins playing lego, pillow fights and piggyback riding around the house. We venture outdoors together to go walking, skating, sledding or swimming (we do that indoors though). ...
September 18, 2010
On Wednesday this week I made pancakes for supper. Then on Thursday, after getting home from the farm, instead of cooking supper I had a hot bath with this book. We ordered pizza (and bought a frozen g-free version at the grocery store for Damien) and drank farm-fresh apple cider. ...
September 1, 2010
I don't usually look back over a past month and spend much time reflecting. I'm fairly forward thinking and like to look ahead more than over my shoulder. But as we move through the days of late summer, shifting gears to prepare for fall, I feel the need to make ...
August 20, 2010
This has been an incredibly difficult week for me. And to add insult to injury I can't talk too much about it here and that's hard. I like writing out my angst. You should see the scrawl in my journals these days. I briefly considered not taking my camera to ...
August 12, 2010
Although I think the naked tomato would be a great restaurant name unfortunately it describes my tomato plants this year. For the third year in a row my plants have suffered damage from early blight. Last year was a terrible year for tomatoes all across the state and it's not ...
August 9, 2010
Mid June till Mid July was an intense month for our family. Not too much of that was reflected in this space but now that I've had a couple weeks to breathe and process I have a few thoughts about that holy grail of motherhood - balance. In short, I ...