My New Year is the end of Christmas Week (and now it's time to clean the house)

I often find my writing a little awkward, out of place even, this time of year in the blogosphere. This year doesn't seem to be much of an exception.

I have no looking back post to share. No collection of 2012's top posts, a play by play of what we did this year, or chief lessons learned in all that doing.

No looking forward post either. No word of the year or New Year's Resolutions.

Out with the old. In with the new. That's the mantra these days.

But my life seems to follow a different rhythm this time of year. A delayed rhythm.

The week of Christmas and into New Years is a big holiday time in our family. We're not Americans, we don't do Thanksgiving in November. Our big holiday is Christmas. And it's not big because we give lots of gifts and spend lots of money (except perhaps on the years we travel). It's big because between Christmas and New Year's Day is when we take our long winter break from regular life.

This year we hosted my parents and then friends for seven full days. Damien and I both took breaks from writing, income earning work, and even breaks from the kitchen as other people pitched in and helped out.

The time with my parents was all about Christmas and being together. The time with our friends was all about being together and skiing.

Three days straight of skiing. Home to eat, sleep, dry our gear, and pack the lunch.

I have not been thinking about the New Year (ok, maybe just a wee teensy bit while driving to our mountain ski destination) or even reflecting on this past year. I've just been present in my life. Here in body, mind and spirit soaking it all in. And I'll be totally honest, struggling with some of my own issues (I'll talk about those in my next post).

I am not starting January 2013 with lists, words, or intentions.

I am starting the New Year with warm memories and lots of photos of a fabulous Christmas week, ending last night with the invitation to our neighbor's just-built ski house. Neighbors who ski (obviously), neighbors with a bunch of kids - oh happy day for our own brood out here in the woods. Neighbors who are interesting, kind, and hospitable. 

I am starting the New Year with dirty floors, dirty bathrooms and an empty fridge. The sign of hospitality given.

I am starting the New Year with lots of snow and a rough schedule with my husband how we might ski three days a week this winter.

I am starting the New Year with a tree still up and decorations hung.

I am starting the New Year with tired kids. Happy, tired kids. Rest and a lot of vegetables are in order for the next few days.

I am starting the New Year a little bit tired myself, but not worn down.

I gave myself the day off yesterday. Instead of cleaning (like I will do today) and planning (like I will do later this week and into next), I read - for hours. I read on the couch. I read while eating leftovers for lunch. I read in the bath tub.

I cried with the book. I cried for the ending of good things. I cried about my insecurities. And then we spent the evening celebrating with new friends.

And walked back home again under the starlit sky and went to bed, under the flannels, a little before midnight.

Now this morning I'm at my favorite winter writing perch. My first morning writing session in over one week. Watching the birds at the feeder. Wondering if the squirrel will come again or if that Airsoft gun Damien bought and used yesterday to scare it away did the trick.

The fire is crackling downstairs. The kitchen is dirty and so are the floors. Damien plans to ski again this afternoon. Maybe the kids will join him. The neighbor kids might come to sled.

Happy New Year. 

Do you do anything special to mark the new year? Are you already living in 2013 or are you cleaning up from 2012?
« It's All About the Goggles
The Kids' Christmas Handmades (and bring on your doll making questions) »
  • Nicole

    Nicole on Jan. 1, 2013, 4:23 p.m.

    Our uneventful but perfect New Year's Eve last night: ate dinner together, the 4 of us, then watched the movie "Up", and we were all in bed by 9:45. Today we're going to the snow (it's a 2 hour drive to reach snow from here!) for some snow shoeing and sledding.

    I am really just being present right now, too, as life will catapult again on the 7th when the kids go back to school and I go back to work. I think I will wait until this weekend to "clean up from 2012" and I won't be ready to start "living in 2013" for another couple days. :) Right now it's all about enjoying the presence of my family, the crisp winter weather (for here that is 36 ish in the mornings, 50ish in the afternoons!), and taking time to just be.

    P.S. LOVE the picture of Brienne (I think it's her) cleaning the car window! Made me smile!


  • Johanna

    Johanna on Jan. 1, 2013, 5:05 p.m.

    Love this! We are starting the year with a messy home and tired bodies, too. But for such good reasons! Thanks for reminding me to be in the present!


  • se7en

    se7en on Jan. 1, 2013, 5:52 p.m.

    Love this post... all about life and living!!! That is such a fabulous family photo... beautiful memories!!! Wishing you and your family a wonderful 2013!!!


  • Jenna

    Jenna on Jan. 1, 2013, 7:28 p.m.

    Thanks for a great last couple of months. I cannot remember who I found your blog through, Soulemama, Steady Mom, Simple Homeschool, or Beauty That Moves, but you are one of my favorites! I enjoy your posts so much. And this one is no exception!

    I hope you have a wonderful New Year with your family!

    God Bless! Most Sincerely, Jenna


  • Jennifer

    Jennifer on Jan. 1, 2013, 8:29 p.m.

    Happy new year! I've got the dirty house, too, but not letting it get to me, knowing it will all get done little by little. It's more important to go sledding while daddy is off work!


  • Kate

    Kate on Jan. 1, 2013, 8:49 p.m.

    lovely photos. It's so interesting for me, our winters don't get that cold, no snow here. I love seeing how people live in such conditions, the real life. I'd never given any thought to clearing the snow from the car window for example. I, too cried when I read that book.


  • Cat

    Cat on Jan. 1, 2013, 8:50 p.m.

    Happy New Year to all of you from all of us. By the way, tell your mother she made a splendide shawl. I just love the colors!


  • Monisima

    Monisima on Jan. 1, 2013, 11:13 p.m.

    Loved this. Thank you for sharing your life, your thoughts and your sentiments. I feel like there is some uncertainty and dissatisfaction underneath, but at the proper time you may be ready to share them. We all go through this shit (pardon my French. If you are French, pardon my Chinese. And so on...)now and then. Happy 2013 and God bless!


  • Catherine Forest

    Catherine Forest on Jan. 2, 2013, 4:59 a.m.

    This is awesome! Being fully into your life, into the present moment, that you don't feel the need to plan, organize and look ahead for a moment is an amazing feeling. I am glad you experienced this during the Holidays, Renee!


  • Cath in Ottawa

    Cath in Ottawa on Jan. 2, 2013, 1:16 p.m.

    I so love your blog and how you allow yourself to really live it, including taking the down time you need when you need it. I have much to learn from you!! Happy new year.


  • Stacey

    Stacey on Jan. 2, 2013, 5:55 p.m.

    Thank You for such a lovely post. We too have started the New Year with friends and family. Tired, happy, very much here in the present and hopeful that I can remember that "here" is were I want to be as things start to get busy. I came to your blog through Beauty That Moves and am so very grateful to have found it.


  • Diane

    Diane on Jan. 3, 2013, 2:56 p.m.

    What a beautiful setting you get to live in. Love your writing and posts. Looking forward to what you will post in this New Year. Blessings Diane


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous on Jan. 4, 2013, 2:26 a.m.

    I'm still cleaning up 2012 too due to moving before Christmas and then getting sick (due to the move and being run down from it mostly). Oh well, its okay. :)


  • Susan

    Susan on Jan. 6, 2013, 12:19 a.m.

    Love the photos. Thanks for sharing. Do you happen to know the pattern for your mothers shawl? It is just lovely.


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