Keepin' it real

Looking for Mommies like me

Looking for Mommies like me

Going your own way is a hard thing to do. A couple years ago when I discovered an internet community of women "like me" (mommy bloggers) I felt that I found a place I belonged. A large group of women who believed in natural home births, homeschooled their babes, grew ...

My life in process

My life in process

You'll be starting to notice a few changes around here. Gone is the old FIMBY and in it's place is what you see. (Of course if you're stumbling upon this post sometime in the future, say spring 2011, you're probably looking at something altogether different yet again). This was not ...

father paints, mother knits, our bedrooms are a shambles

father paints, mother knits, our bedrooms are a shambles

I'm tired of writing three sentence-ish posts. I made the rule to keep my on-line time in check during these last couple hectic weeks of February but I'm almost through the worst of it and I'm ready to break the rule a little early. My blog, my rules. I can ...

with apologies to Spring

with apologies to Spring

If you subscribe to my blog's RSS feed you might know what I'm talking about. If you don't, I'll explain. You see when I do a photo shoot for someone I have them download the photos from our server, via a page here on my blog. The general public does ...

Technology - who needs it? I'd rather be in the woods

Technology - who needs it? I'd rather be in the woods

I'm choosing to end this day on a good note, remembering our afternoon in the winter woods. Technology can sure be frustrating some days. I'm spoiled because I'm married to a technical wizard so my standards are kind of high, but sometimes even he can't fix my problem. Tonight's problem ...

New Year Insecurities

New Year Insecurities

I promise to post, soon very soon, more about our trip. It's actually written and ready to go but I wanted to share this first. I did spend some time writing while we were traveling, and this is it (below this introduction). Even though we were staying here, there and ...



This space is my hobby and daily creative outlet. It is not my job, a responsibility or an obligation I must fulfill. (feel free to repeat after me if necessary) And that's the way I like it. So, although I don't usually write posts to say I have nothing to ...