May 3, 2012
Spring is usually a busy time of year for me in the garden. This year it's busy for a whole bunch of different reasons. Without a garden I'm in a real season of "blooming where I'm planted" and being creative with what this looks like. Our housing situation is not ...
November 7, 2011
I'm a pretty strict mother when it comes to sugar. I wasn't always this way. There was a time when I would, without a second thought, whip up a batch of brownies to satisfy my cravings and happily serve this to my children. Ah, the good old days (smile). The ...
October 17, 2011
Welcome to soap week at FIMBY. My first ever attempt at having a theme for an entire week of posts. The rest of soap week posts: Soap Making Supplies & Where to Find Them A Soapmaking Journey Soap Making Q & A ~ An Invitation The fun thing about what ...
September 30, 2011
This summer when we went to Outdoor Retailer I was pleasantly surprised to come across a few companies with "green" home related products. I'm not a big gear junkie and most of Outdoor Retailer is all about gear. Gear for water sports. Gear for hunting. Gear for hiking. Gear for ...
July 1, 2011
I know for a lot of my internet buddies strawberry season is already just a sweet memory or fast coming to a close. For us, it's just beginning. But because of spring rains and grey skies I expect this berry season will be an especially short one. Today is opening ...
June 29, 2011
Calendula is one of my many favorite flowers. As much as I love blossoms of interesting shapes - lady slippers, foxgloves, and lupins for example, I love the familiar daisy shape of sunflowers, calendula and rudbeckia. These calendulas came from the farmers market. Mom's flower beds are still in their ...