My Urban Homestead Dream

Years ago I had a little dream that maybe we'd build an urban homestead. SouleMama in the city type deal (sans chickens and pigs). For a time FIMBY took a bit of that flavor.

I had a category called urban homestead (or something like that) which morphed into creative homestead as I realized urban homesteading wasn't the direction we were going.

This week at Outsideways I'm talking about letting go of one dream to follow another. Click through to read the rest.

(The photos you see here are my container tomatoes, which did not do too well this summer.)

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  • MOM Tougas

    MOM Tougas on Aug. 29, 2012, 2:19 a.m.

    Don't give up so fast. It takes time to learn how to grow container tomatoes. Damien's grandma became very good at it but it took time to learn the trick of the trade. She watered her tomatoes with 'manure water'. She bought a bag of manure from the grocery store and added lots of water to some manure in a pail and fertized her tomatoes with that. It is natural, not a chemical fertilizer. You have to be home all summer to grow things in a garden or pail. It takes a lot of patience, work and time.



  • Francesca

    Francesca on Sept. 2, 2012, 8:38 p.m.

    Urban homesteading is a tricky art. I believe there are only very few vegetables that will really thrive and produce in normal conditions (ie without chemicals) in pots. Vegetables are meant to grow out in a garden, where the soil, moisture, air and light are favorable. Personally, I've never even been able to grow healthy basil in pots.


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