
Developing Self-Discipline

Developing Self-Discipline

Children can learn to apply themselves to difficult tasks, and become self-disciplined adults by investing large amounts of time, energy, and effort in designing their own studies and self-directing their learning.

Drudgery & Discipline

Drudgery & Discipline

I don't have a problem with academics. But I question compulsory academics in a society where the success of its citizens, the longevity of the society itself, rests not on people having an acquired knowledge base or following a set path, but rests instead on people being empowered with a skill set of creative thinking, entrepreneurship, and leadership.

Training in the Early Years ~ A Foundation for Self-Discipline

Training in the Early Years ~ A Foundation for Self-Discipline

I'm a big believer in boundaries and unconditional love, and then total freedom in the loving relationship of those boundaries.

Remembering the early elementary years (and the development of an education philosophy)

Remembering the early elementary years (and the development of an education philosophy)

A little look back at homeschool six years ago. A trip down education philosophy memory lane and a reminder about what's important moving forward.

The Three R's of Homeschool Organization

The Three R's of Homeschool Organization

Resources, Routine and Record Keeping - I spill the beans on how I organize it all in our homeschool.

Our Homeschool Methods

Our Homeschool Methods

As a parent, teacher, mentor, and facilitator I motivate and inspire interest in our curriculum largely through the methods I choose.

Is a preschool curriculum necessary?

Is a preschool curriculum necessary?

A preschool curriculum that builds a foundation for a lifetime of learning is not complicated.