Monthly Archives Oct 2016

Trail Journal from Brown Gap, TN

Trail Journal from Brown Gap, TN

Each day on the trail brought new experiences and challenges but this particular day was stellar, so it's a fun one to share.

A glossary of terms

A glossary of terms

It's important for me to define the terms I'm using in this series. When I use the words work, calling, vocation, purpose, I'm not bantering around ambiguous words and I'm not using them interchangeably. I have certain ideas in mind associated with each of these words.

Homeschooling through High School, blog organization, and designing a life

Homeschooling through High School, blog organization, and designing a life

The structure, the design of a thing, is largely unseen but has a lot of power to either support and help achieve your aims or it can do the opposite, frustrate your efforts, cause roadblocks.

Following as a sure thing

Following as a sure thing

I had rooted myself in my relationship with Damien, looking to him to be my "sure thing" in life, which included my income-earning work, instead of finding security in my identity in Jesus Christ, who dwells in me, and is the Essence of my life.

October Gratitude

October Gratitude

It's a Thanksgiving time of year so perhaps my heart is more tuned in to feeling grateful, but I feel especially thankful right now for a few things in my life.

What I'm into (early fall)

What I'm into (early fall)

I've had a growing desire to resurrect the idea of "linky" posts. If not resurrect at least revisit. I have some favorite stuff I want to share, so I'd like to start sharing that with you, today.

Build up to The Breaking

Build up to The Breaking

I hadn't intended to tell the story of The Breaking in the context of vocation and work, but it's the story that has bubbled to the surface in many posts and has been told in bits and pieces, through direct and indirect means, over many months.

Vocation, Marriage, and Work: An introduction

Vocation, Marriage, and Work: An introduction

We had a plan. We married and created a family. I stayed home to raise the kids. Damien worked to support us. And then life and living took us on paths we couldn't have imagined.



October promises fresh, crisp air right from the get-go and except for the fading flowers in the garden, summer is done.