Monthly Archives Sep 2016

It's time to change pens (and other ways to honor a seasonal shift)

It's time to change pens (and other ways to honor a seasonal shift)

The turning of the season is an important marker for me. During the threshold from one time of year to another I like to think about the coming months and plan accordingly.

Writing and blog changes

Writing and blog changes

A change is coming to the blog this fall. And I'm writing a series on work, vocation and marriage that will hopefully be ready to publish soon.

Late summer in the city

Late summer in the city

Damien and I have been exploring the city on bikes lately. We are just starting to tap into the hundreds of kilometers of bike lanes and trails through the city.

At the market

At the market

It is completely possible in Montreal to eat a wide variety of exclusively Quebec grown produce through the summer months.

The late summer season

The late summer season

All the news from late summer; homeschooling, adventures, family, gardening, and personal projects.