(Beyond the home) Work & Career

Stop Waiting For the Stars to Align

Stop Waiting For the Stars to Align

Before we moved I had this interesting notion, a fantasy really, that after we moved life would slow down just a bit. You know where this is going already don't you? (I hear you laughing in the back row). To be sure, life has slowed down in one respect. No ...

Making a Trip Out West

Making a Trip Out West

Trip Reports (added after this post originally published): En Route & Arrived A Road Report - Montana, Wyoming, Utah OR & Hospitality ~ Out West Big Sky ~ Big Dreams ~~~ Now that the plane tickets are finally purchased I can make an exciting announcement. Damien and I are going ...

Being Hit by A Watermelon Truck ~ Savoring Summer

Being Hit by A Watermelon Truck ~ Savoring Summer

Summer has, once again, hit me like a watermelon truck on the way to the farmers market. If there were something in this day and age so bucolic as watermelons going to market. Picture it, an antique truck with wood slats up the sides, loaded with crates of locally grown ...

Going to the Woods

Going to the Woods

When life is most crazy that is often the point we most need to "check out". To go to those places that restore, refresh and recharge our batteries. Nice in theory, hard in practice. We make a point of being outdoors and unplugged once a week together and that hasn't ...

Evolution of a Writer

Evolution of a Writer

Here on the internet were mothers, homemakers and homeschoolers (like me) who were sharing their lives, their ideas, their selves - from home and making money doing so.

Open For Business

Open For Business

When I started blogging six years ago it was simply a personal journal to update far away relations about our family happenings. I did that for a few years until it became apparent to me that the internet was exploding with mama bloggers (among others) sharing tales of home life, ...

A sudsy co-operative dream

A sudsy co-operative dream

soap oils A funny thing happened today when I was cleaning up from this week's soap making. Instead of throwing out the plastic that I use to line my wooden soap molds (for the longest time I re-used cardboard boxes until Damien built me molds when I decided to standardize ...