Nova Scotia

Finding Home ~ The conclusion

Finding Home ~ The conclusion

Then it all became rather obvious. We’re the adventurers and explorers, the migrators without property. We’ve built flexibility into our lives and our work. We would move to my parents. We’d sail the boat of our family life into the security of their port.

In response to the times

In response to the times

It’s time to talk about the conclusions I’ve been drawing from my life experience and “the state of the world”, as filtered through the lens of this advice: "Prepare for what you’ve already been through, plus a bit more."

The News from Nova Scotia

The News from Nova Scotia

Why do people live where they live? How do they decide where to call "home"? How do you define home? How does the answer to these questions change through the different seasons of our lives? What's gained and what's lost in where we choose to live?

Live in each season

Live in each season

I had been feeling like I’m ready for this next stage. I’m revelling in it many days. But then there’s the tug, an ache, the memories.

*Building Sanctuary throughout a lifetime

*Building Sanctuary throughout a lifetime

Sanctuary is the name of my parent's home on the LaHave River. Sanctuary describes both the soul of the place and the meaning of home. Home, not as a structure or a particular location, but as a place where relationships are built and sustained, where family can always find refuge.

And then we went home (week six)

And then we went home (week six)

Nova Scotia offered space, fresh air and forest; and unprecedented opportunity to be together as a a family. But Montreal is home and it's time for us to return.

Life in lockdown (week five)

Life in lockdown (week five)

I'm not not anxious but I'm starting to feel a growing discomfort and lack of motivation.