
A Peek into My Kitchen

A Peek into My Kitchen

I am very appreciative for this beautiful workspace.

The View Around Here ~ The End of August

The View Around Here ~ The End of August

I am in a mild state of shock, as I'm sure many people are, that summer is nearly to an end. When I was actively gardening and my kids were younger, I used to live summer till the middle of September. According to the calendar, that's how long summer really ...

The Blessing of a New Home

The Blessing of a New Home

I love our new home. I think it may be the nicest place we've ever lived. Which is ironic considering our housing costs are lower now than they’ve ever been, which has been our goal all along. To lower our housing costs and “buy” ourselves more time. What is doubly ...

The View Around Here ~ The Week in Photos

The View Around Here ~ The Week in Photos

Things are coming along well with the house getting mostly finished so we can finish moving in. Here's some of our week, in photos. Damien has been building beds for the girls. In the course of our move we gave away the girls' old beds because we thought they were ...

Making an Uneasy Peace with Process

Making an Uneasy Peace with Process

When we made the arrangements to rent our chalet we knew a July 1st finish date would be pushing it. Our friend built this “cabin” himself fifteen years ago. It was a rustic, basic affair. There was electricity but no sewer, no running water. This winter when we met our ...

Time to Live Another Adventure

Time to Live Another Adventure

I'll be taking a little break from FIMBY for the next week or so. I hadn't planned for this but we find ourselves smack dab in the middle of an unexpected adventure. It will take a little more time than we anticipated to make our current chalet rental "home". It's ...

Grounding Practices

Grounding Practices

Living in Montréal this month has introduced a lot of new activities to our days and weeks. The Metro and the markets. The backyard pool and neighborhood splash parks. All the places we want to go and see. And all the people - everywhere. I love the pulse of this ...