Middle Years

Listening & Loving

Listening & Loving

I want to learn to listen better to who my children are. I want to listen with open ears and heart to their ideas, dreams & desires. I don't want to superimpose my own inhibitions and negativity (my pessimism and doubt) on their dreams. I want to be the person, ...

Growing Up Looks Like...

Growing Up Looks Like...

Where your journey takes you, I do not know. But I do know the joy is mine in watching it unfold.

A Barebones Homeschool Day

A Barebones Homeschool Day

When push comes to shove, when there is a time crunch in our life and I have to choose between taking care of the homefront or doing a history/spelling/writing lesson with the kids, I choose homemaking.

Finding Our Late Elementary & Transition Years Homeschool Groove

Finding Our Late Elementary & Transition Years Homeschool Groove

This month is the start of our winter school term. To make record keeping easier and also because I like seasonal rhythms, I divide the year into Winter, Spring/Summer and Fall "school terms".

What If Is a Two Way Street

What If Is a Two Way Street

Before you let the what if's stop you from living your values, aspirations, and intentions point yourself around in the other direction. Because what if is a two way street.

Changes in These Middle Years (Video) ~ Defining Structure

Changes in These Middle Years (Video) ~ Defining Structure

This video is the second part in a two part video series about our Middle Homeschool Years. I also answer the question - how does interest-led learning work within structure?

In the Middle Years ~ Our Homeschool Philosophy (Video)

In the Middle Years ~ Our Homeschool Philosophy (Video)

There's changes a foot in our homeschool routine. This is a natural progression as our children grow. But with our recent move the pot has really been stirred (we're talking major changes) and life looks quite different now than it did one year ago.