Getting Organized

Grounding Practices

Grounding Practices

Living in Montréal this month has introduced a lot of new activities to our days and weeks. The Metro and the markets. The backyard pool and neighborhood splash parks. All the places we want to go and see. And all the people - everywhere. I love the pulse of this ...

The New Normal is Flux

The New Normal is Flux

As much as I have resisted this in the past, flux, more than ever, is my reality.

Building a Small Space Homeschool Library

Building a Small Space Homeschool Library

Why we want a small library and what we use to actually build those bookshelves.

Craft Storage in a Small Space

Craft Storage in a Small Space

Today I have a video to share with you. Taking you "behind the scenes" to show you how we store craft supplies in our small chalet.

My Five Favorite Time Management Strategies

My Five Favorite Time Management Strategies

I've used these strategies through many different life stages. And in each season I tweak them to our needs but they've worked consistently for me, as long as I adapt them to my needs, not the other way around.

Winter Intentions ~ The Nitty Gritty

Winter Intentions ~ The Nitty Gritty

{All the photos in this post and last week's post on winter intentions are from our January ski vacation. Realizing I probably won't get around to writing a post dedicated to that trip I'm working photos of that trip into these two posts.} When I shared my fall intentions last ...

Finding Our Late Elementary & Transition Years Homeschool Groove

Finding Our Late Elementary & Transition Years Homeschool Groove

This month is the start of our winter school term. To make record keeping easier and also because I like seasonal rhythms, I divide the year into Winter, Spring/Summer and Fall "school terms".