June 11, 2010
Check out Simple Homeschool for my post published today Lessons Learned while Camping. Last weekend was Brienne's first ever dance recital. Celine took dance for a couple years when she was Brienne's age also. I even danced for a bit and had my own recital experience. Yikes is all I ...
June 8, 2010
What started as a tool to transition out of nap times has become a family tradition - listening to books together.
May 12, 2010
Interrupting our week of eats to direct you to my latest post at Simple Homeschool, Involving Dad in Your Homeschool. he juices oranges, he teaches the kids computer programming... he's Wonder Dad! Excerpt from that post: If you are like “the average” homeschooling family, one parent is largely responsible for ...
April 10, 2010
I'm just so darn happy it's April. It's spring here in Maine and this week I planted my peas. The kids and I are taking this month off from structured school activities. Basically we're leaving the math and handwriting workbooks to sit on the shelf. And I'm giving Celine's real ...
April 9, 2010
How I take care of our home and our childrens' education; two rather large undertakings at once.
March 31, 2010
Celine just recently completed Gamma level of Math U See so I thought I'd celebrate by sharing how we teach our children math. Woo-hoo, big party. A series of homeschool posts coming your way After talking about math I plan follow up with a few more posts to explain how ...
March 13, 2010
I'm taking a little breather from the final sorting of the girl's stuff to share with you this week in homeschooling. March has been a lovely month for the kids and I as we've settled into a steady late winter routine. In reality though we're experiencing an early spring but ...