
Easy Science

Easy Science

My most recent post at Simple Homeschool, 4 (Fun) Basic Elements of Backyard Science is published today and I encourage you to read it if you'd like a bit of lighthearted insight into how we teach science. I've been working, very slowly I should add, on explaining our family's approach ...

Studying the World through Reading and Creative Play

Studying the World through Reading and Creative Play

As interest led homeschoolers we don't have an overarching history curriculum that we follow, we let our interests lead our studies.

How to Make a Summer Schedule

How to Make a Summer Schedule

This is a re-post from last summer (last re-post this week, I promise). I want to just add this thought - having shared family values is I think the most important piece to making family life work well, schedules included. Once you determine what you value making decisions about how ...

How I Deal with Summer Boredom

How I Deal with Summer Boredom

This is a re-post from last summer, but the sentiment is the same for this year. ~~~ How do you keep your kids occupied during the summer? The thought had just never occurred to me until I read it earlier this week in a comment on a blog somewhere (I ...

Free Rainy Day Activities

Free Rainy Day Activities

This is a re-post from last summer. I'm so thankful this June has been sunshine and roses, whereas last year was rain clouds and slugs. ~~~ Imagine if you will, a couple days of rainy weather. Or worse yet, a whole week. Or the unthinkable - an entire month of ...

Berries & Beaches ~ A Summer Manifesto

Berries & Beaches ~ A Summer Manifesto

Before each summer I take time to think about what I'd like to do with the kids during these oh so brief warmer months. This is the first summer we are homeschooling year round, or at least that I am being more intentional about the kid's learning progress through the ...

Life Is Good

Life Is Good

The kids and I spent a couple hours at the ocean yesterday afternoon. The ocean. Friday afternoon. Blue sky. Life Is Good.