Courses & Workshops

Late Elementary Learner-Centric, Family-Friendly Homeschool Curriculum

Late Elementary Learner-Centric, Family-Friendly Homeschool Curriculum

My homeschool planning starts with evaluating who my children are and asking for Divine wisdom to meet their needs and guide them to where they need to go. I ask a bunch of questions. Who is my child? What do they need right now to help them succeed? What do ...

Keeping Enthusiasm in Your Homeschool

Keeping Enthusiasm in Your Homeschool

Are you experiencing the winter doldrums in your homeschool routine yet? This is a well noted phenomenon (ok, maybe not a phenomenon per se but a definite pattern) in the homeschool experience. After an initial flush of enthusiasm in January, usually the mother's enthusiasm to get back to routine after ...

Wanna be a work-at-home mom? (and finding our way as moms and women)

Wanna be a work-at-home mom? (and finding our way as moms and women)

I think it's official that I'm now a work at home mom. Saying this feels strange to me. Because I've always worked at home. But now my work earns our family money and there are dedicated times in our schedule when I do this work (in which I have to ...

How to Homeschool the Preschool Years

How to Homeschool the Preschool Years

In your heart you know this is a very special time. Everything is new and exciting to your child, their enthusiasm is boundless (your energy is not!), and they help you see the world through fresh eyes. This is the beautiful first step on the interest-led homeschooling journey. But your ...

We Have a Store (homeschool, health, adventure, natural family living support and services)

We Have a Store (homeschool, health, adventure, natural family living support and services)

I have some exciting news to share - we have a store! In the past I've talked about the iterative process Damien and I use to flesh out ideas in our life. And how those ideas keep moving forward but usually in a slow, cyclical fashion until we finally do ...

An Emerging High Schooler, Interest-led, Learner-Specific Homeschool Curriculum

An Emerging High Schooler, Interest-led, Learner-Specific Homeschool Curriculum

Oh my word. That's a mouthful of a title. I originally started this post as an overview of all three of our kids' homeschool curriculum. Yikes. If I had continued down that track it would never have seen the light of day. So I decided to limit this to Céline's ...

Naysayers & Negativity ~ At Outsideways

Naysayers & Negativity ~ At Outsideways

In my coaching and comments from readers I've noticed a theme that comes up often. How do you deal with people who naysay your decision to homeschool, eat vegan, to home birth, etc. I've thought about this a lot because we've dealt with it in our own lives. Today on ...